In today’s adventure lets head to Lincoln Park, Illinois, where we find one of Spin Art Nation’s seven locations. While some of their other locations offer a smorgasbord of attractions, this one is all about bicycle spin art. You might remember spin art from your trips to a county or state fair, where you and a bunch of folks squirted paint onto a spinning canvas. Well gang, Spin Art Nation has cranked the fun dial up to eleven!

A Unique Artistic Experience

The moment you step in, you’re encouraged to unleash your inner artist. You pick a name for your nametag, don a “minion suit” (as described by associate producer Sarah Kingsburg) and you’re ready to create your masterpiece. But here’s the twist: it’s a team effort. It requires one member to sit on the bike and pedal, while the artist gives instructions to the biker on when to start, stop and how fast to go. All this happens while the artist chooses their inspiration along with the paint, glitter and whatever else they need to begin creating their masterpiece. It’s like a creative symphony on wheels!

Source: Fun Across America on YouTube

Creating Masterpieces Together at Spin Art Nation

During our visit, each bay was buzzing with different groups, from families to corporate teams and it clearly was a hot spot for date nights too. What sets this place apart is how it pulls everyone into the experience. Once the “minion suits” are on, and the goggles are in place, every artist, bicycle companion, and the cheering crowd are transformed. Their sole focus becomes the group they’re with and the art they’re creating.

When the adventure is over, you carry home your priceless artwork in a big box, just like a leftover pizza, for you to enjoy the next morning. Time is booked in hour increments which provides enough time for each guest to get changed, create a masterpiece, get cleaned up and hit the road with work of art in hand. The costs vary based on the size of the canvas, and the best part? You can walk away and let someone else handle the mess.

Excerpt adapted from Barry Zelickson’s special report for RePlay Magazine.

Our Favorite Parts of Spin Art Nation:

  • Great group experience and teambuilding opportunity.
  • Experience creating art from start to finish and getting to take it home!
  • Once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to create art in a unique location.

Check out our full visit to Spin Art Nation on YouTube!

Looking to visit Spin Art Nation, Lincoln Park?

2828 N Clark St Suite 204, Chicago, IL 60657


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